ImagePraise God my brothers and sisters in Christ.

I am keeping you in prayers and I hope you are doing well in all. But if you feel like you are in need of special prayers you can let me know and I will join you because there is power in praying together.

I want to thank you all who prayed for me on my recent crusade that was in Hoima and I hope you have read on the update, it went well and we say the glory of God.

So now I am requesting again for your support in prayers for the next crusade which is starting this Wednesday 1st -3rd August 2012 and it is to be in Ntungamo district. So I have only one day remaining to go. Pray that may God use us to fish and bring many to the kingdom and that He use us to sharpen the believers as He wants us to.   Pray also for provision because I haven’t got money for transport yet. If you feel to support me on this crusade you can let me know and your support will mean a lot and profit the kingdom. Hearing from you will mean a lot and your prayers are highly appreciated.

Be blessed in all you are doing.

Yours Evangelist Evard Kabaali.  godsmercytotheworld@gmail.com

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